Details of Capability Enhancement Skills

Campus Interviews

Campus interviews are organized where external agencies guide the outgoing students on career advancement and personal; interviews are conducted for students willing to join the specific organization. This helps to improve aptitude and communication skills. It develops a sense of confidence and sets a benchmark in paving the career ahead. It helps them in honing their skills and building a fruitful career.

Medico-legal issues in medical practice

Medico legal cases(MLC) are an integral part of medical practice that is frequently encountered by doctors. The occurrence of MLCs is on the increase, both in the Civil as well as in the Armed Forces. Proper handling and accurate documentation of these cases is of prime importance to avoid legal complications.

Holistic Development

This is a Value added course.This soft skill provides an insight intovitalrole of soft skills in personal and professional effectiveness. The objectives of this workshop is to practice active listening skills and responding skills for effective communication and describe different leadership styles to accomplish organizational goals. The course enables students to Establish effective inter personal relationship with others, Understand importance of active listening and body language in communication, Select appropriate words and tone of voice in verbal and written communication,Identify strategies to improve interpersonal relationship,Develop skills in public speaking, Identifying appropriate personal and professional values for nursing practice ,Describe potential source of stress and strategies for stress and conflict management and Develop skills in preparation and powerpoint

Induction Programs

Indution programs are carried out across all the specialties to orient students with the university .This program also aims to train students in communication skills, both with batch mates and patients. This helpsto improve inter personal; relationships and maintain a good professional conduct .

Mentorship Programs

Mentorship programs are designed with an aim of providing, a reliable and comprehensive support system, to motivate students to excel in both academic and non-academic fields and to make the most of their life at the college. The objectives of the program include:

Government initiatives-Pariksha pe charcha

The Hon’ble Prime minister of India, addressed students all over the country through an online session. The guided the students and teachers to discusses ways to beat exam stress. The five topics that were given included: