Details of Capability Enhancement Skills

Soft skill Holistic Development Workshop

This is a Value added course. This soft skill provides an in sight intovital role of soft skills in personal and professional effectiveness. The objectives of this workshop is to practice active listening skills and responding skills for effective communication and describe different leadership styles to accomplish organizational goals. The course enables students to Establish effective inter personal relation ship with others, Underst and importance of active listening and body language in communication, Select appropriate words and tone of voice in verbal and written communication, Identify strategies to improveinter personal relationship, Develop skills in public speaking, Identifying appropriate personal and professional values for nursing practice, Describe potential source of stress and strategies for stress and conflict management and Develop skills in prepa ation and power point.

Emotional Intelligence

This is a Value added course. Happiness through Enhanced Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence ( EQ/ EI) is defined as an ability to identify, consider and cotrol emotionsin one self and to recognize theminothers, broughton by a combination of self awareness, self management, social awareness and relation ship management. Intelligent quotient (IQ) correlates with academic success but often fails to as sure personal and professional success. EQ onotherh and is a spastically significantfactorin achieving personal and professional growth. While IQ is in born godgift ; EQ can be improved by learning strategies in areas of self awareness, social awareness and relationship management. Most of the professional courses including medical courses offer little to improve EQ of participants in this course. Present value added course is designed to enable students/participants to leada happy and ful filling life by using strategies of EQ/EI.

Soft Skill Training

This Valueadded course wasde signed to train students in various soft skill techniques. The students will be trained invarious problem sharings kills and stress management .The students will be trained in team work and group dynamics.

Induction Program

Induction programs are carried out across all the specialties to orient students with the university. This programalsoaims to train students in communications kills, both with batchmates and patients . This helps to improveinter personal; relationships and maintaina good professional conduct .